The Head Scarf - A Conversation Starter

Sama Wareh was born in California, her parents came from Damascus Syria to the United States. In life and art she explores differences and similarities between cultures and traditions. Look at her series "A Native American Met a Bedouin". The thirty year old artist and adventurer started to wear a head scraf in sixth grade. A decision related to her mother and Batman! She did not take the scarf of since then - well of course she does not wear the same shawl every day, but she never goes without covering her head. Over time Sama added a hat and a feather to the traditional clothing she wears in a fashion that makes her look more like a Cowgirl than devote Muslim. But don't be fooled.
Religion is an important part of Samas life and her art. Its expresions might just not be what you expect. Last year she travelled to the Turkish-Syrian border by herself to find and help war refugees - a whole story in itself that will be told at a later time. This is the story about her scarf and how it reflects experiences growing up in the United States as a Muslim-American woman
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