Stories From California

“What is in your heart that you have to share with the world?”

Afraid of public speaking? Feeling sweat in the palms of your hands just thinking about it? Losing your voice doing it? Don’t despair! Not only are most people like you, even celebrities with all their star-qualities in front of the camera. More importantly: you have the charisma, you have the magic inside of you to be a great public speaker. You have everything it takes to inspire and even change people who listen to you.

That’s what communication coach Richard Greene told me. And I believe it, not because like the coach in “The King’s Speech” he has a connection to the royal family in London - Greene  has helped Princess Diana to overcome her fear of public speaking. Not because he has been teaching communication skills for almost 30 years in almost 30 countries and has written books about it. I believe it, because his conviction makes total sense to me: that once you find your passion, your mission - that something that you just HAVE to share with the rest of the world - everything else will fall into place. Like: attention to nonverbal communication - the tone of your voice, how fast you speak, how loud, when and how long you pause and how you ‘talk’ with your body. You will find your focused, fascinating message. You will speak to all the senses of your audience and you will not talk to them or at them but WITH them, because you want to have a conversation about what is so important to you. Well, and thus you build the foundation for a great speech. Be it in front of your colleagues, a wedding party or potential investors. You conquered what Greene wrote about in his book “The 5 Communication Secrets That Swept Obama to the Presidency”.

Already on the way back from my interview with Greene I tapped into that gut-feeling, my heart, my passion. And can’t wait for the next opportunity to talk about it. O.K., almost. Still feel that sweat coming ;-)

listen to Richard Greene, communcation coach

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