Caravan - Los Angeles, CA

I am getting back into the creative writing thing, something I enjoyed a lot as a child and teenager.
I put it aside for journalism. These days, I return to my first writing love, and one morning I wrote this text.
It is a poem of thoughts and images that came up when I was watching the news and remembered interviews I made.
Our weeping skies and calloused earths we leave behind
Our midnight serenades and drunkard beatings
Our first breaths, first steps, first melodies of words
First funerals of marigolds, bread, candles and tequila
First mango kisses
Behind we leave them in the mud of heavens and hells
The ramshackle huts we used to call our homes
Shelters no more, but traps with bullet peppered walls
Dry blood stains in our sons' and brothers' clothes
Gory threat of human flesh
Chopped and packed in slashed black plastic bags of death on our door steps
We now only cross with pounding hearts and rattling bones
We're hoisting on our backs the burden of a land's mirage that no one promised us
We're following our dreams of golden light in our curious children's eyes
We're putting all our hope in phantasms of their skipping feet
Princess skirts with silver dust for our girls
And for their brothers carefree ballgame cheers
We step into darkness before dawn
Surrendering our fate into a stranger's dirt and blood stained hands
We wrap our babies closer to our bodies
Teenage daughters shrink under the gaze of our ferry man
We stand up straight determined not to sacrifice pride, dignity and love
Prints of the elders' last touch to our cheeks are burning on our skin
Their whispered prayers will haunt us far beyond the journey's unknown finish line
We are freight in horse trade vessels growling through the night
We are cramped in weathered steal containers filled with human fluids of dispair
We pray on desert grounds to the one wearing the crown of thorns
We stumble, bushes scratching at our feet and thighs
Towards a never promised peaceful land
A place with oceans that seem wider than the ones at home
A place with seagulls crossing borders easily
Spreading their wings before a sky so blue it hurts our eyes
A place where we'll build castles in the wind that's tugging at our hearts
With an invisible pledge engraved over the entrance gate
That in this home our families shall be happy, healthy, safe and free
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